Wednesday, January 25, 2017

Just got home from Bart and Barb's house.  Bart was fixing quiche and invited me to eat with them.   We had a great visit and Tim, Amber and Augie called while I was there so I got to watch my little great grandson running around and being adorable.

Today was bible study day, so I went to the Mass at 9AM and then the study.   One of our members and her husband were at THE INAUGURATION.  So she gave us her view and told of their experiences there.  Sounds like a  great time and what a historic event to attend.

Spent the afternoon on miscellaneous tasks, including bringing out the family pictures and my gnomes that had to hide in the garage for the Christmas season:)

Tomorrow a friend is coming over for tea in the afternoon so I want to be  sure I am ready for "entertaining".   Will be fun to have company.

Dia dhuit


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

What a day.   It was in the upper 70s and not at all humid.   I opened the front door and a window in the sun room to get a breeze through the house and air it out.   WOW.   With the dry air, my joints hardly hurt at all today.

Carry, who is cleaning for Leah while she is with her daughter, came today so I have a nice clean house.   I baked some digestive cookies as I am having a friend over for tea on Thursday.

Writer's Club tonight .   There were five of us and we had some nice readings.   I had a poem.   The first since the OWL poems in the Anthology.   I am feeling a bit more creative.   I need to build on that feeling.

Bible study tomorrow.  It is supposed to cool down but hopefully it will not get damp for a while.   I know that this creates fire danger but selfishly I like not hurting.

Dia Dhuit


Monday, January 23, 2017

Nicky is very expensive

I took Nicky to the vet today because he has vomited three times in the past week.   He does throw up occasionally, usually there are months between the incidents.   Three times in a week is excessive.   He costed a fortune.  We did find kidney difficulties.   We are going to feed him a special diet for a week then put him back to his usual, then have his vitals checked in 8 weeks.    Never thought he would be so "delicate".   That is an expression that my Mother would have used:)]]

I finally got Christmas put away and have all the Christmas in one area of the garage.  Now is the time to organize:)

Got hacked on my facebook.   Changed the password.  Leslie helped me.  I feel like I have fallen WAY behind on technology in the past years.   Thank God for family.

Cleaning day tomorrow and I have a few errands to run.

Nice to be busy.  Dick would have disagreed with me:)

Did Dhuit


Sunday, January 22, 2017

A quiet Sunday.   I went to the 8:30AM Mass and served as an usher.   I learned that the usher volunteers are low so glad that I took that as my Sunday volunteering.

Visited afterwards at the coffee social in the hall.

Then home again.  I  was really lazy today.  That's OK because it is Sunday, but I do feel that I got a lot done anyway.  Just dabbling.  I figure I will FINALLY have Christmas put away tomorrow.

The Packer's lost today.  I am so sad, but as we say.  Wait until next year.   And they did get to the second last game.  Yee Haa.

Dia Dhuit


God does not come to our rescue at isolated, “special” moments. God is supporting the super-cruisers as well as children’s toy boats.  (From Franciscan Media)

Saturday, January 21, 2017

Today would have been my Mom's 101st birthday.    I miss you, Mom, but glad that you are celebrating with Dad. 

It was a nice day.   I worked on budgets, Bible Study stuff and spent a couple of hours with Bart watching the first of a series called the Young Pope, I think.    I was not impressed.   It is, of course a story but was very disjointed and I saw no real merit in it..

I am going to bed early tonight just because I want to.

Dia Dhuit


Friday, January 20, 2017

It got up into the 70s today.  Oklahoma is so weird.   It will probably be about 40 in the morning when Nicky and I walk
Didn't go anywhere.   Didn't even take a shower:)   I just puttered around the house and did a lot of planing of what I want to do in the next couple of months.

Tomorrow is quiet also but Bart and I are going to watch a movie together.

Good thing.

Dia Dhuit



January meeting of the Lawton Celtic Club. January 19,2017

Well, yesterday,  John Kennedy and I were the attendees at the January meeting of the Celtic Club.    Guess January wasn't a good month. 
He and I had a nice meeting discussing St. Brigid of Kildare.    I shared the Brigid Cross, the Brigid Prayer and the Brat Bhride
St. Brigid’s Cloak was a piece of cloth called the Brat-Bhríde which was used for healing and protection during the year.

The Brat-Bhríde was the size of a handkerchief. It was left outside the house on night of the 31st of January, by the people who lived there. It was hoped that St. Brigid would bless the Brat-Bhríde as she passed by during the night.

The following morning the cloak was taken into the house to be used for healing. The cloak was also placed on the head of a person who had a headache.
Next month we can try again.   The Center for Creative Living is expecting us again at about 2PM on February 12.   Patty Dawes is planning on giving her talk on the Irish in Oklahoma at that time.
Hope we are all healed and back to able to come again:)

Dia Dhuit

Mary  Kunert