Thursday, February 25, 2010

February 24,2010

The February meeting was a blast.

There were 10 of our members there. We made five different scone recipes and got to taste them with tea and/or coffee during and after the meeting. Toni was a wonderful host in their lovely home with the fantastic view out the back windows.

The ten of us, Toni Nevicosi, Kate Herman, Janet Bieschke, Dorothy Rose , Kathy Paul, Joan Kramer, Joan Brigham, Rosemary Mugan, Barb Fishbaugher and myself want to share the recipes with you. We are planning to put a booklet of scone recipes together for a little fundraiser handout at any of our meetings that are public, such as our Christmas Tea in December. If you want to add a favorite, just send it to me to be included.

The five recipes are attached to this file.

The rest of the year is shaping up as follows:

March 17 - Meet at the Exchange bank at about 10AM. We will have a cup of whatever and a short meeting, then car pool up to the site of the Irishman's Walk at the corner of Eastern and Highland. We will join in the walk with our banner and postcard handouts for anyone that shows an interest in us. Janet and Kate are preparing the postcards. Pray for nice weather. After our shot of Irish Whiskey at the Stafford,e plan on going to the newly opened restaurant for our lunch at about 1PM. Then anyone who still wants to party can go back to the Stafford or to the other many places that also celebrate the "Holy Day."

April is the Celtic Women International Annual Meeting in Lake Geneva on the weekend of April 23. We will not have a local meeting then but encourage anyone who can to come join the fun at Lake Geneva. Call me for more information or check in your Newsletter which will be arriving in the next week or two.

The May and June meetings will be combined into one special meeting (date not yet determined) the first week in June when we will be co hosting with the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center a talk by Mary Pat Kelly, the author of Galway Bay. If you have not read the book, it is a MUST and she is a dynamic speaker. We will host and provide snacks, much as we do for the Christmas Tea. We are HOPING to use the Plymouth Library but need the date confirmed by Mary Pat before we can firm things up.

July 17, the Sheboygan County History Museum is presenting a Third Saturday - When Irish Eyes were Smiling - A History of Irish Immigration. Seems like a natural for us. Beth is going to see if we can get a role in it otherwise, what a nice way to spend a day. It is from 10 to 3 and we will be able to enjoy it as a participant or attendees.

August we have no official meeting because the Reunion of the Clans takes place out at St. Michaels church near Parnell on August 8. My cousin Fr. Michale Shea will again be saying mass. You will all get invitations. There is a fee if you partake in the meal after Mass. Music and the visiting take place amid the gravestones. A wonderful event.

Also, August is IrishFest in Milwaukee the weekend of August 19-22. I am going at least one day.

September, Flora O Hagan, called Tommi, a member we haven't met of Cornish descent has agreed to speak to us about Cornwall in the Celtic world.

October we will have our second Samhain dinner. Good food and fun. Bring a place mat for those you love who have gone before along with your dish. Janet, Kate or I will help if you need it but it can be as simple as a paper place mat decorated with names in bright colors. We just want to set places for them.

Then we will finish the year with our Christmas Tea which is scheduled for December 4 with a snow date of December 11.

Wow, are we good.

See you on March 17 at the Exchange Bank.


Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February and beyond

February 3, 2010

Hi Everybody

Okay everybody, The votes are in and we have decided not to have our February meeting on the 17th as it is Ash Wednesday and several of our members will be attending Ash Wednesday services.

So we have switched to Sunday, February 21 at 1:30PM. The attendees at the St. Bridget meeting said that they would like to learn to make scones. SO. Toni Nevicosi has volunteered her home at N6825 Rocky Lane, Plymouth for a cooking class. I will bring a recipe for Cranberry/Orange, Toni has one for nut scones and Barbara Fishbaugher has one for Raspberry scones that she shared at the Christmas Tea. (Don't worry Barb, if you can't make it let me know, I do have your recipe.)

Toni will also have supplies and instructions for us all to make a St. Patrick's Day card using a scrapbooking method that she will teach us. It will be a fun filled day and I hope many can attend.

I have established a blog that will publish these updates on the internet and hopefully be a resource for us. The address is So far it is pretty sparce and I even accidently got one of my personal blog entries on it. So be patient with me.

The schedule for the rest of the year is:

March 17 - Irishman's Walk in Plymouth. Let's meet at the Exchange Bank on the corner of Stafford and Mill at 10AM for our meeting and to carpool up to Eastern and Highland to join the Walk. Then we can all just party however we wish and lunch wherever we wish after the Walk is over.

April 22/23/24 - Celtic Women International Spring Fling. We will not have a local meeting and hope that a lot of us can attend the Spring Fling which is in Lake Geneva again. I know that Kate and I, Debbie and her husband and Janet and her husband are going for sure. Reservations can be made after February 10. Details will be in the CWI newsletter or you will be hearing more from me.

The first week of June we will be cosponsoring, with SCHRC, Mary Pat Kelly speaking about how she researched Galway Bay and how she found her family. Details will follow as soon as Mary Pat lets me know the day she will be able to be here. Either an evening that week or Saturday afternoon. We will, as we do for the Tea, be responsible for snacks. You will LOVE her.

July 17 – I am hoping to book the dancer.

August 8- The Reunion of the Clans at St. Michaels Church in Parnell. You will all get invitations

August 19-22 – Gail McAleese has been able to make arrangements for us to march as a group in the parade on Sunday in years past so probably will this year too. I hope so as I will be able to walk this year. This is the 30th year of IrishFest Milwaukee so will be quite a gala.

September 17 – We have a member that we have not met, Flora O'Hagan. She lives in Campbellsport. She is the current president of St. Piran's Society of Minnesota. Of Cornish descent, she will talk to us about Cornish traditions and the celtic connections.

October 17 – Samhain – the beginning of the dark season begins on November 1. We will again celebrate Samhain with a meal. We want each of us to bring a placemat dedicated to those dear to you who have passed on. You can make it however you want. Fancy or plain. If you want help or ideas, contact me and I will help or refer you to the talented ladies in our group who can.

December 4 – Saturday we will celebrate our annual Christmas Tea. This has been a win- win for us, SCHRC and the Plymouth History Museum. We will designate December 11 as a snow date. Last year was perfect.

Hope this finds you all well. Please feel free to offer suggestions of things you would like to do, places you would like to go or people you would like to meet.

God love you all

Mary Kunert

P. S. I can use all the help I can get.