Tuesday, May 4, 2010




1. June 3, 2010 Thursday at St Patrick's Church in Adell. We will be, with the Committee to Save St. Patrick's Church and the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center, co sponsoring MARY PAT KELLY, author of GALWAY BAY. She will be speaking at the church at 6:30PM. The event will start at 6:PM

We are responsible for bringing finger foods for the guests and we need four people to help with setup and greet the people as they come. Contact me at 920-893-5139 or Kate at 910-892-0937 if you are willing to help.

2. July 17, 2010 Saturday from 10AM to 3PM, the Sheboygan County History Museum is presenting as their Third Saturday “When Irish Eyes Were Smiling – A History of Irish Immigration”. We are hoping to be an active part of that event.

3. August 19-22 2010, Milwaukee Irish Fest. I hope everybody can enjoy some of it. Usually, Gail Mc Aleese can arrange for Celtic Women to march in the parade on Sunday. This year long time member of CWI and Celtic Artist, Cindy Matyi, is bringing an art show to the Fest.

4. September 17,. 2010, Flora “Tommi” O Hagen, a member of CWI who lives in Fond du Lac, will come to speak to us about Cornish customs and culture. Another branch on our Celtic Family Tree.

5. October (date to be determined) Our annual Samhain Dinner. Start panning your placemat for your ancestors, recent or old. We invite them to the dinner too, you know.

6. December (date to be determined) Our annual Christmas Tea.

May News

May 2, 2010

The Celtic Women Spring Gathering and Annual meeting is over for another year. It was a very successful and very enjoyable and fun weekend.

As you remember, we gathered at the Comfort Suites in Lake Geneva on Friday night on April 23 and scattered around 2PM from Millie's in Delavan. In between the gathering and the scattering, we ate, visited, listened to marvelous speakers (including our own Joan Kramer with a Reflexology workshop and music.

Our mail speaker was Jose Lanters, a professor at UW Milwaukee who spoke of the tinkers or travelers in Ireland. She authored a book “The 'Tinkers' in Irish Literature.” There is a subject that has more depths than one would think.

At the annual meeting, we installed the new board and the currant officers. Because of our change of the date of the annual meeting, the officers and board voted on in December were extended to the Spring Gathering and Annual meeting of 2011. The officers and board are listed and introduced in the CWI Spring newsletter. If you do not have that information, please let me know and I will see that you receive it. We also voted to approve the revised and updated by laws.

I hope that each year more and more people will be able to attend the annual meeting. Next year we are talking about going back to Galena or perhaps St. Charles. Information will follow throughout the year.