Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Milwaukee Irish Fest.

Mary Kunert and "St. Patrick" ( Who is really Tom Mc Aleese, Gail Mc Aleese husband.) at Milwaukee Irish Fest.
The Celtic Women brigade walking in the Milwaukee Irish Fest Parade.

This will be the newsletter for August for the Sheboygan Branch of Celtic Women.

Our last meeting, of course, was When Irish Eyes Were Smiling at the Sheboygan County History Museum. Irish Fest was our Irish gathering for August.

Our next meeting will be Friday, September 17th. Flora "Tommi" O Hagan, a member who lives in Fond du Lac and who is the president of the Cornish American Heritage Society is going to be talking to us about our Cornish sisters and the Cornish Culture. We will be meeting at United Church of Christ, 1405 State Hwy 67, Plymouth WI 53073 at 6:30PM. Please come and enjoy the talk and the samples of Cornish Pasties and Figgy Hobbin.

Then, on October 17, we will celebrate our second Samhain celebration. This is related to Halloween and celebrates the unity between the dead and those who are still here. We will do a pot luck, as we did last year. We ask that harvest food be prepared to share. We also would like each participant to bring a placemat for those they love who have gone into the next world. If you don't, you won't get away with it because we will have supplies to help you do one on the spot. It was such fun last year. This is an event to which we ask that you bring your significant other. A good chance for families to meet.

So that is "what is happening" with us.

Join us if you can.

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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Update August 7, 2010

A comparatively quiet day. The only time I had to leave the house was to go to Mass this evening.

Chelsea seems to have reverted to a really dumb need to go out again. I can't even remember the times but know that at 5AM, I just shut them out and asked Dick to get me up at 6:30 AM as Jody was coming to clean at 8AM and I had a lot to do before then

This was an odd day, I did a lot of things but nothing I can really lay my hands on. We had leftover chicken with fresh green beans and mashed potatoes with green onions and chives.

I did take a nap this afternoon as I suddenly became very tired. Chelsea is now on pain pills and seems to be much more lethargic than usual but she is also walking a bit less painfully, so we will continue for the time being.

Church was very comforting tonight. I sat with a friend Mary whose husband has been ill this past year too and we prayed together. The gospel was the one about always being ready for the "master". That is a good thing to keep in mind. Fr. Van Beeck brought up the 9-11 disaster. 3000 and more souls all left this world in one day. How many of them were ready?

So Tomorrow I will be able to stay home all day and I intend to do some sewing and perhaps some writing. We are having Spinach, Egg Noodle casserole for our noon meal so if you are hungry show up at about 11:30AM. Dick is all excited.

Have a good day. I understand that the heat is returning.

Here is a haiku for you.


A river in my mind
Carries all my memories
Keeping them alive.
