Tuesday, September 21, 2010

The Cornish Event and Beyond

Sixteen members and guests gathered to hear Tommi O Hagan tell us about Cornwall and the Cornish people.   Her husband. Bob, was with her and  - yes - he IS 89 years old and charming as can be.

Tommi had just returned from Cornwall.   She told us about the countryside, she mentioned many inventions that came from Cornish inventors, many relating to mine safety.   Cornwall was noted for its tin and copper miners who resettled all around the globe.    They have "little people" as do the Irish.  Knockers or Tommy Knockers were in the mines.  Spriggans are the mischievous little people.

We ended out evening with visiting, questions and sampling Cornish Pasties. (We learned that Cornish Pasty makers are very fussy about their ingredients and different areas look down on some others recipes.)  We also sampled Figgy Hobbin, a Cornish dessert.

Thank you Dorothy Rose for arranging for us to use the room at your church.

Our next event will be on Sunday, October 17, starting at 4PM.   It will be our SECOND ANNUAL SAMHAIN celebration.  Samhain marked the end of the harvest, the end of the "lighter half" of the year and beginning of the "darker half". It was traditionally celebrated over the course of several days. Many scholars believe that it was the beginning of the Celtic year.[ (From Wikipedia)   Samhain traditions are the base of many of our Halloween traditions.

As last year, it will be a potluck.   We will, if possible, bring our significant others or just guests if you want.   I have booked the Rhine Plymouth Field and Stream Clubhouse again it is located at N7135 Highview Road Plymouth WI 53073.    You can call me if you need more information.

The potluck, as last year, will consist of harvest food.   I am going to bring colcannon (mashed potatoes with cabbage.)   You don't  have to sign up but it would be nice if we kind of knew who is coming and what they are bringing.    I know Debbie will be making a Mushroom and Guinness pie,for example.    Email, or call me at 920-893-5139.

This year we are asking everyone to bring a place mat dedicated to those you love who have gone on.   It is tradition at a Samhain dinner to set a place for your ancestors.    If you need help, contact me or Janet Bieschke.   I will bring paper place mats and color, stickers, etc.  for emergencies.   We don't want any offended spirits.

Our final meeting of the year will be the Christmas Tea.   We will meet for lunch or coffee before the Tea so that we can wrap up the year and plan for 2012.   

Right now, I am not quite ready to be thinking 2012, but it is just around the corner.

God love you all and be proud of who you are.


I hope to be able to post a picture of two next week.


Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Update 9/1

This will be the newsletter for August for the Sheboygan Branch of Celtic Women.

Our last meeting, of course, was When Irish Eyes Were Smiling at the Sheboygan County History Museum. Irish Fest was our Irish gathering for August.

Our next meeting will be Friday, September 17th. Flora "Tommi" O Hagan, a member who lives in Fond du Lac and who is the president of the Cornish American Heritage Society is going to be talking to us about our Cornish sisters and the Cornish Culture. We will be meeting at United Church of Christ, 1405 State Hwy 67, Plymouth WI 53073 at 6:30PM. Please come and enjoy the talk and the samples of Cornish Pasties and Figgy Hobbin.

Then, on October 17, we will celebrate our second Samhain celebration. This is related to Halloween and celebrates the unity between the dead and those who are still here. We will do a pot luck, as we did last year. We ask that harvest food be prepared to share. We also would like each participant to bring a placemat for those they love who have gone into the next world. If you don't, you won't get away with it because we will have supplies to help you do one on the spot. It was such fun last year. This is an event to which we ask that you bring your significant other. A good chance for families to meet.

So that is "what is happening" with us.

Join us if you can.