Irishfest an beyond
Guess what!! I am now a member of the Ancient Order of Leprechauns.
For those of you at Irish Fest who did not get this opportunity, you had to go by the lake shore to the children's area at the Leprechaun Village. I asked if I could join and they were glad to welcome me. I am so glad that there is no age limit. I had to retrace to get some stamps on the passport they gave me. In that adventure, I was given two stickers, a pirate hat and a pencil. How lucky is that.
Rosemary Mugan, Joan Brigham and I got to the Irish fest grounds in plenty of time to work our way into the Amphitheater for the mass. The Mass was truly lovely. Bishop David Malloy from the Rockford Diocese in Illinois was the celebrant. As always, there was a lot of pomp and music. If you have never attended one of the masses, I would recommend it. My non Catholic son was impressed years ago because it is so beautiful. (He did think perhaps it could have been a bit shorter. )
After Mass we ate, enjoyed the shows, and shopped until four when we joined Gail Mc Aleese to march as Celtic Women in the parade. I had the banner and the four of us marched proudly for all of us. It poured during the parade but brave as we are, we kept on going. I hope that things work out better for all next year. So many people had other plans and then the rain drove a couple of people home. But we were proud and we did get lots of people cheering us on. I handed out a couple of cards. Maybe they will contact us.
So It was a great day.
Now on to the future.
I will list the scheduled events through the end of the year. We have nothing scheduled for September. This will give you all time to read the Legend of the Celtic Stone by Michael Phillipps for the book discussion.
1. The weekend of October 12 -14 is the third annual IBAM (Irish Book Art Music) event at the Irish American Heritage Center in Chicago. A number of the members of the Sheboygan Branch are planning on attending. We will, I hope, as we did last year. car pool to to Chicago. The hotel we stay at provides shuttle service to the Irish Center. We will check bus, limo and Amtrak too. Anyway, if you log onto you can see the preliminary agendas. Maureen Smith and the Chicago branch are again hosting the Literary Corner. I will be giving a talk on how I visualize and construct my wall hangings.
Let me know if you are interested in going. The more the merrier.
2. Samhain -Sunday, October 28, is our annual harvest dinner to celebrate the beginning of the Celtic year as we enter into the dark season. It will again be at the UCC in Plymouth on Hwy 67. Bring your friends, significant others and be sure to open your arms and extend an invitation to those you love that have entered into the afterlife. I plan on bringing colcannon to that even.
3. Saturday, November 3, Joan Kramer will host the Book Discussion Group. It will be in the afternoon. Time to follow.
4. Saturday, December 8. The Annual Celtic Christmas Tea at the Plymouth History Museum. The Sheboygan County Historical Research Center will again provide the entertainment and advertizing. We need to be there with good Christmas and Irish Goodies. I will be bringing my brown bread.
So that will be the year 2012. We have had a very successful year. I am proud of us. From baking pasties to hosting the Annual Meeting of CWI International, it has been fun. Lets keep it up and grow in our Celtic heritage and spirit as the next year comes in to being.