Sunday, November 10, 2013

Book Discussion Group

Don't forget to come to the UCC First Congregational Church, 1405 St. Hwy 67, Plymouth, WI 53073 at 2PM for the book discussion.    We are discussing Nora,by Cynthia Neale.   The discussion should be lively as some of us met her at IBAM.  At an case come,   it always an informative and fun afternoon and you can be a part of selecting the next book up for discussion- Several of us are bringing some of our favorite authors to be considered.

The last event for the year will be on December 7th.   The 9th Annual Celtic Christmas Tea.    We are having musicians from 52 Stafford.  They are fabulous.   Bring snacks to go with the tea and spread the word to the community.   We always have a good turnout from the public.

Dia Dhuit

Call if you have any questions.
