Saturday, December 14, 2013

Last of 2013

Last word from me this year.

The 8th Annual Celtic Christmas Tea on December 7th at the Plymouth History Museum was another real success.   Those who were able to attend were treated to some perfectly wonderful Irish music from a group that call themselves 4Reel from the group at gather at 52 Stafford on Wednesday night.   Our Celtic Women brought such tasty treats that there was hardly a crumb left when we left.   We had over 40 people in attendance so were able to bring joy to the community at this glorious season.

I am just going to point out the first meeting for next year.  I have been asked to host a PASTY PARTY again.  So on January 18,  a Saturday, whoever is interested in learning how to make them or in stocking up on some again, should appear at my home at about 1:00PM.   (I happen to have two ovens.)  Let me know if you are interested and I will send out "assignments" as to what to bring after I get back from Oklahoma where I will be visiting my son.  I return on the 7th but will have a computer and will be checking email.  We will need meat and veggies and volunteers to mix up the dough which has to be mixed and chilled over night.   Just let me know if you are interested and we will go from there.

I am copying a short message from Trail-Winds, the tour company that I am using for Scotland.  Would all of you that are even remotely interested in the trip, let me know so I will be sure that you are on the less expansive list that I am sending this message to.

It's good to know that things are still a go for this tour on the dates we discussed from Sept. 12th through 23rd with an extended option to the Isle of Man the evening of the 23rd.

We are working out a couple of options for the group, however at this time we do not have anything firm as it is hard to get our suppliers to commit that far out in the future.  We are coming to a point that we can have something for you soon.

When we met we discussed the possibility of meeting with the group to go over the itinerary.  Perhaps we can have a meeting again in mid-January to go over what we have, tweek our options, then meet with the entire group at a time when it is convient for all.

So that should be all that has to be covered before Christmas and before the 7th of January in 2014.   Doesn't that seem weird. 2014.    I remember when 2000 seemed so very far away.

Have a Blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Nollaig Shona and Dia Dhuit
