Sunday, January 25, 2015

Jan 2015


January 26, 2015 – Update for the Sheboygan County Branch of Celtic Women International

As it is January, I will list each month citing definite event for our branch and a few outreach events such as Irish Fest and the Highland Games. Here we go.

February - Book Discussion Group. Joan Kramerand I have determined that February 21 from 1PM to ? will be the day and time. The place will be announced in a week or so. At the last book discussion meeting, those attending decided that just one time, those attending should bring a book to share that they love and think the group would love. Then we can decide together what sounds good for the next discussion.

March 17 – St. Patrick's Day – As always, we will march in the Irishman's Walk in Plymouth from the corner of Highland and Eastern Avenues to 52 Stafford where we will lunch and enjoy the music. The March starts at 11:00am. We always have a meeting at the Exchange bank starting at 9:30AM and then at 10:30AM car pool or walk up to the beginning of the march. Usually, St. Patrick blesses us with good weather, BUT we have walked in some really bad stuff. Those who cannot walk can save a table at the Stafford for lunch.

April 24-26 – the Annual Celtic Women International Gathering and Member meeting. This year the event is taking place in Madison. The programs are really exciting, including a field trip to Black Earth Institute ( founded by Pat Monaghan, who was a strong advocate for CWI and a prolific author of Irish history and Irish women and our importance. Her husband Michael McDermott is carrying on the dream. Their mission statement is Our Mission: Black Earth Institute is a community of artist-fellows and scholar-advisers creating a more ethical world. We will have lunch and a tour.

May is open but I am thinking perhaps the Scottish Travelers, Felicia and I could tell you about our trip to Scotland.

June 16 – Bloomsday I am again planning on a 24 hour reading of Joyce's Ulysses. We will need readers of course, but we also need listeners. Our Sheboygan branch can go into another room to discuss upcoming events and any thing important. We will have tea, coffee and Guinness also scones and Irish breads for noshing on.

July – Any ideas?

August - Irish Fest is the weekend of August 13 – 16. Celtic Women International members always march in the parade on Sunday. We always hope for a nice big turnout.

September – Scottish Highland games are on Labor Day weekend.

Actually, I will be in Cornwall sometime in September, so if you all want another meeting you can arrange it and I will let everybody know. If anyone is interested in Cornwall, let me know that also.

October – Samhain – as close to Halloween weekend as possible. Our Harvest Dinner and entry into the Dark Season.

(IBAM (Irish Books Art and Music) at the Chicago Irish Center is in early October. For me a MUST GO.)

November – Book Discussion Group

December – The Celtic Tea We join with the Plymouth Historical Society and Sheboygan County Historical Research Center for this super musical beginning of the Christmas Season. This will be the 10th year of our tea. Aren't we PROUD.

So a busy year. As always, I will send out notices monthly and occasionally if I hear of anything Celtic. So keep me informed too.

Until the 21st then.

Dia Dhuit

Mary Kunert

Saturday, January 3, 2015

2015 -It's here

I just wanted to thank everybody for the wonderful events that we enjoyed together in 2014. The Irishman's Walk, the Joycean reading of Ulysses, the book discussions, the Samhain Dinner, the Christmas Tea.

I just wanted to wish everybody Happy New Year and apprise you all of the events that I am aware of happening in the first four months of 2015.

January 21, 2015. This will be my Mom's 99the birthday. She can't come, but we can celebrate her birthday and firm up the rest of our Celtic year at 52 Stafford. Innkeeper, Sean O'Dwanny will supply a lovely dinner and the Wednesday night Craic (gathering of music and fun). Let me know if you are coming for dinner. I'll reserve a table. (But don't hesitate to come at the last minute if you want to.)

February – Date to be announced. The bi-annual book discussion gathering. At the last discussion, our leader, Joan Kramer was unable to come and we decided to all just bring a book that we have read and would recommend to the group. It just needs to be Celtic in any genre. We are very eclectic.

March 17, 2015 - The Annual Irishman's Walk in Plymouth. We will meet as always at the Exchange Bank at the corner of Eastern and Stafford in Plymouth at 9:30AM. We will have a meeting , then carpool or walk up to the corner of Highland and Eastern to join all the Irish that are marching, rain, snow or sun, from the corner to 52 Stafford. There the marchers can throw back a shot of Jamison and then enjoy the music and fun with a meal at the Inn. Usually some are unable to walk and save a table for us. We will proudly carry the CWI Banner for all to see. I promise to not injure myself so that I can walk rather than be pushed in a wheelchair.

April 24-26, 2015 – The Annual Celtic Women International Gathering and Meeting. I am on the committee this year so hope that a lot of our Sheboygan County Members will come. I have decided on Madison. At this point, we are exploring a tour of Black Earth Institute, Patricia Monaghan and Michael Mc Dermott's retreat and art/ecological endeavor. I am also thinking of speakers and music for our meetings. If you would approve we who traveled to Scotland last year, will share our experiences.. My Madison kids are checking out restaurants for us. They know several of them but want to check size and music. So things are coming together, albeit slowly.

An additional event:

Maureen Smith is presenting a Brigid Celebration in Chicago on January 31, St. Brigid Eve. I will let you know more on this as I get information. At this point, I have a family event and probably will not be able to attend, but if you want to go, let me know and I will connect you with others from our area that are attending.

So. A BIG letter.
Have a Safe and Happy New Year's Eve and enjoy the year spreading out before you.

Dia Dhuit.
Michael Kelly " In a land where there are no musicians; in a land where there are no storytellers; teachers and poets; in a land where there are no men and women of vision and leadership; in a land where there are no legends, saints, and champions; in a land where there are no dreamers, the people will most certainly perish."