Friday, February 27, 2015

February update

February 26, 2015

Hi everybody

Just fresh from the Book Discussion Meeting that we had last Saturday, Feb 20.    We discussed a LOT of things and as planned brought our favorite books to decide what would be the selected book for the next discussion meeting which will be November.

There were six of us, Joan K. , Felica R., Mary K., Dorothy R., Sue F, and Sonja P.  We shared tea and treats, scones, hot cross buns and cheese and crackers.  Many books were shared.    Authors such as Ellis Peters (The Cadfael series about a Welsh Monk detective), Pat Monaghan, Mary Pat Kelly (whose new book Of Irish Blood is out) and more.
We finally settled on Trinity by Leon Uris.   I read it but will reintroduce myself to it.   We decided that if we divide this one into two as it is so complex and there are so many characters involved over a long period of time.   So please beg, borrow or buy the book and join us at the next discussion.   I promise that you will not be disappointed.   It is suggested that you keep a list of the characters as they sometimes disappear and then reappear later in the saga.

Our next meeting is on St. Patrick's Day, March 17.    We will again gather at the Exchange Bank at between 9:00 and 9:30AM for a meeting before working our way up to the corner of Eastern and Highland Avenues for the 52 Stafford Annual Irishman's Walk.  Some walk up, some are car pooled.  Those who cannot do the walk will be "commissioned" to grab a table for us at the Stafford so that we can continue our reverie into the afternoon.   Pray for a soft day.

April 24-26 is the Celtic Women International Annual Gathering.   We will be in Madison this year.   Most of you have received information about the event but an invitation and registration form will be arriving in your email or in your snail mail box in the next week.   Sure would be nice if EVERYBODY could come.    As you will see we have lots of good things planned.

By the way, if any of your memberships expired in December, please send in your dues so that we can remain the strong group we are.

That should be all for this note.    Stay warm.

Dia Dhuit

Mary Kunert

P. S.  There are Irish T Shirts for sale at Walmart for around $5.

Michael Kelly " In a land where there are no musicians; in a land where there are no storytellers; teachers and poets; in a land where there are no men and women of vision and leadership; in a land where there are no legends, saints, and champions; in a land where there are no dreamers, the people will most certainly perish."