The Holy Day
Are you as all atwitter as I am about March 17, St. Patrick's Day? Well we only have 4 days to wait.
The Sheboygan County Branch will again be representing our mother group, Celtic Women International in the annual Irishman's Walk in Plymouth, sponsored by our own Irish Inn, 52 Stafford. Celtic Women will again meet at The Exchange Bank at the corner of Mill Street and Stafford Street in Plymouth between 9 AM and 9:30 AM for our meeting and a catch up. Then we need to walk or carpool up to the corner of Eastern and Highland Avenues at the Family Video at about 10:30AM as the Walk starts at 11:AM sharp. (Anybody unable to walk from Eastern and Highland can cross the street to the Stafford or stand on the corner to cheer us on as we arrive or perhaps see about getting a table for lunch at the Inn.) We will be proudly carrying our CWI Tartan Banner for all the world to see.
Don't forget to reserve the date for a trip to Madison for our Celtic Women International, 2015 Gathering and Annual Meeting in Madison on the weekend of April 24-26.
PLEASE NOTE: I just found out that I made a BIG goof on the Hotel Information. It is INDEED the Comfort Inn and Suites, but the Address is 4822 E. Washington Ave - and the phone is ACTUALLY 608-244-6265. I keep telling you all that I have fat fingers and need to be monitored at all times.
The program is getting better and better. Look up to find out the purpose and background of this marvelous place planned and put into existence by Michael Mc Dermott and Patricia Monaghan, his wife - poet and author and CWI member and proponent. Michael will be taking us on a tour and providing lunch.
We are also going to see and hear about the Scotland Trip that several of our members took last year. Felicia and I were in the Sheboygan Sun this past week wearing our Tartan at the Italian Chapel on the Isle of Orkney.
Sherry Avila will be talking to us about the Hedge Schools in Ireland during the dark days of English Rule.
I don't know about you but I can hardly wait.
Any questions, call me. 920-893-5139 or 580-215-8484
Dia Dhuit