Tuesday, August 11, 2015

August 9, 2015

Just a note to remind everybody of the Milwaukee Irish Fest next weekend at the Festival Grounds by the Lake. Celtic Women International will be carrying our banner again in the parade that starts at 4PM a bit south of the Tipperary Tearoom.

I will be there, not sure about being in the parade as yet as my foot a bit tender yet and I am not sure about a wheel chair. We will see. I am excited about going as I expect that this may be the last MILWAUKEE Irish Fest I will be attending for some time. A reminder, I am preparing my home for sale and will be relocating to Lawton Oklahoma to live near my son, Bart and his wife, Barbara.

I still do not have a volunteer to handle the communication and /or the money (such as it is) for a Sheboygan Branch.

The following is a summary of the regularly scheduled events that the branch participates in and/or directly hosts. In addition, many of us attend and participate in IBAM (Irish Books Art Music) in Chicago in early October and in the various festivals, Cornish, Scottish eg. That we become aware of.


January – St Brigid's day is Feb 1st -

February – Book Discussion

March – March 17, the Irishman's Walk in Plymouth preceded by a short meeting and followed by celebration of the day

April – The Annual International group gathering


June – June 16 – Bloomsday – Sometimes big –


August – Irish Fest Milwaukee – CWI marches in the parade on Sunday


October – Weekend closest to Halloween – The Samhain Dinner

November – Book Discussion

December - The Christmas Tea – with the Plymouth Historical Society and with Sheboygan County Historical Research Center

Some of these events are individually handled, now, by various members but we need a coordinator and/or communicator after I leave. Call or email me if you can help.

I will schedule a meeting in early September to see if there are those who will help keep us going. One hundred years ago, my Grandmother, Matie Bowser, belonged to an Irish club. It faded away. I would hate to see us fade away.

Dia dhuit

Mary Kunert