Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nov 2015

November 19, 2015

An Update.

Those of you who were unable to attend the semi annual Sheboygan CWI Branch Literary Circle, on Saturday November 14 at the First Congregational Church on 67 in Plymouth. sure missed a a good gathering. There were nine of us and we all brought treats. So we ate scones, cookies, sausage rolls, and on and on until we were STUFFED. We discussed the book Trinity by Leon Uris, and also discussed Uris himself We were all amazed that he is not even Irish and was able to create such a story. Hope every body can come to the next discussion in the spring. We decided to find a great Celtic (remember there are 7 Celtic Nations) book something we are excited about to share with everybody. So you don't even have an assigned book Just to READ and bring a book to share.. Such a Deal.

I hope everybody has DECEMBER 5, SATURDAY from 1:00PM to 3:00PM marked on your calendar. Our Sheboygan County CWI Branch is again co-hosting our annual Celtic Christmas Tea at the Plymouth History Museum, 420 E. Mill St., Plymouth, WI. This event is open to the public. We cosponsor it with the Plymouth Historical Society and the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center.

This year, a musical group that plays at 52 Stafford called the Harvey's will be entertaining us. They are wonderful and will help get us in the mood for our Celtic Christmases at home.

Remember that we, the Celtic Women Sheboygan Branch, are hosts and also bring the Christmas treats to be enjoyed along with the tea and coffee offered for refreshment. I will again be bringing fresh Irish Brown Bread and butter.

We intend to have a raffle again also. If you have an item that would be fun to add to the raffle, feel free. This is always a neat part of the day.

Remember to tell all your friends and ask them to come. Also ask them to become members of CWI, especially the Mother group, Celtic Women International. We will have information on our goals and member applications at the Tea.

Obviously I am still here. Could still use some Celtic Women to come forward to keep our group going after I DO move. Several events during the year are ongoing. I will bring the schedule to the Tea. People have taken over some of the things, but could use a coordinator and some event “heads”?

See you then

Mary Kunert - 580-215-8484