Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January 20, 2010

Winter is apparently not a good time to get people out. But what a dynamic meeting we had, just the five of us. Rosemary Mugan, Joan Kramer, Joan Brigham, Pat Becher and I gathered at my home on Sunday afternoon at about 2PM.
I had gathered as much information as I could in my "spare" time about St. Bridget during the previous week. I presented this to the group and gave those that had computers the web sites where they could do more research if they chose. Many interesting stories such as the legend that when she was dedicated and took her vows as the abbess of her order, St. Mel accidentally ordained her has a bishop, which is an irrevocable vow so tradition tells us that she is the only known woman bishop EVER.

Then we brewed cups of tea and filled plates with scones, cheese and crackers and corn snacks then got to the weaving of St. Bridget Crosses. The blind leading the blind. But by following the directions, one step at a time, for one of the methods I had found on the internet, we all managed to weave one or more each out of the tall grasses that I had harvested from my front yard and soaked in water before everybody came. I had taken the reeds to Mass Saturday evening and Fr. Van Beeck blessed them as this was the suggested way to do it.. Now I have a bag of unused blessed reeds that I will take to my brother's when we have our Wild Game Dinner and Beer Tasting Contest on January 30. He can burn them which seems more proper than throwing them into the landfill.

A lovely afternoon totally. Sorry more were not able to come.

*February 17, when we SHOULD have our meeting, is Ash Wednesday. I would like a poll as to how the group feels about this. Many people attend Ash Wednesday services in the evening and it could really affect the turnout. How about Saturday or Sunday instead or the evening before or after. Could I get response on this ASAP. And Dorothy Rose, check with your friend as to when they might be available do demonstrate the dancing. This might determine what we do.
March 17, is St. Patrick's Day. We will again march in the Irishman's Walk in Plymouth and enjoy a quick shot of Irish whiskey or whatever is you pleasure. Then we should decide where to go for lunch together as we are gun shy of the food at the Stafford after our last experience. Any suggestions are welcome.

April is open. It was suggested that perhaps since we have our excellent bakers conduce a class on scone making much as we did for Brown Bread.
Also, the Annual meeting and Spring Gathering of CWI International will occur on the weekend of April 23 to 25 (details will follow as they firm up and will be in the newsletter.) It will again be in Lake Geneva. I hope that lots of us can come. We always have good speakers, food and it is a great way to meet lots of wonderful Celtic women. Mark your calendars for that.

Mary Pat Kelly, the author of Galway Bay, will be coming to speak in Sheboygan County the first week in June. We are still working on the date with her and us. Sheboygan County Celtic Women (us) and Sheboygan County Historical Research Center will be co sponsoring this event. The SCHRC has Galway Bay for their first Irish book club reading. Check Facebook if you have it. She is dynamic. I met her in Chicago at IBAM (Irish Book, Art, Music) last October. You will not want to miss this and we can really get our name out.

That is all I have for now. A lot really. Stay warm, dry and happy. Spring will come to us soon.

God love you all

Mary Kunert


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