Sunday, November 14, 2010

Info and questions on events for 2011

This news email will cover the May Meeting and ask your thoughts on the Scottish Highland Games which are September 2 - 4 over Labor Day.   I ask you to read my exchange of emails with the coordinator.

I have some fun thoughts for June too.   Look up Bloomsday and we "will talk".


May Meeting (May 15 from 2PM to 4PM) - Hosted by Joan Kramer.  The following is her invitation and directions to her home.

Sunday, May 15th, at Joan Kramer's home located at N7341 North Star Road,
Sheboygan, WI. [Take HW 32 north from Sheboygan Falls to Playbird Road. Turn
east, cross the bridge, to first road to the NORTH; i.e., North Star Road.
(Do NOT turn south on North Star Road.) Our home is the third house on the
east side of street; i.e., brown with detached garage.] 

Mary and I have shared the books that we enjoyed and find this to be a great
conversational piece when we get together. It is none too early to think
about reading an Irish story, an Irish authored book, an Irish journal
article, an Irish poem, or something Irish that you have read and can tell
your Celtic Sisters about. Undoubtedly we have all read something that we
enjoyed and thus your CWI Sisters too will enjoy. If you care to lend your
story/book/journal/whatever please write your name/address/phone number on
the first page of the book so it can be returned. This activity is all about
sharing our Irish stories/heritage.

August, of course, we always reserve for Irish Fest in Milwaukee for those who can go.   And perhaps, Beth will again organize the Reunion of the Clans at St. Micheal's near Parnell, which is always a good gathering and a chance to meet many Irish that grew up in that community.


BUT AS TO SEPTEMBER, I am going to attach an email exchange between me and the Wisconsin Scottish who host the Highland Games. I am also sending it to the International Board and we may have some interest there.   Let me know if you think you would be interested in helping man a table in their Cultural Area, even for an hour or two.   It would be an experience and a way to let our Scottish sisters know we exist.
Hi Mary,
If you would be interested in setting up a table in the cultural area as a informational display there is not a charge for that.  It does have to be manned during hours of operation and there is no selling allowed.  Let me know if you would like to do this.

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Kunert []
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2010 01:47 PM
Subject: Re: Wisconsin Scottish inquiry

At this point we are hoping and planning to just attend the games.    Your booths are a little pricey for us at this stage of our membership.   

BUT we will try to make ourselves known.   We always welcome new members to Celtic Women International.    Our website is    Our Sheboygan branch has a blog site -

I look forward to the games.

Mary Kunert

On 10/27/2010 10:42 AM, wrote:
Hi Mary,
The Games next year will be over Labor Day weekend Friday night (Sept. 2), Saturday and Sunday (Sept 3 & 4).  Would love to have your group there.  Are you looking to setup a table in our cultural area or just coming to enjoy the games?
Thank you for your inquiry.
Connie Young
Games Director/Treasurer WSI

-----Original Message-----
From: Mary Kunert []
Sent: Wednesday, October 20, 2010 06:13 PM
Subject: Wisconsin Scottish inquiry

From: Mary Kunert Have you established the date for the 2011 Games? My Celtic Women Group in Sheboygan County would like to join you. I am president of Celtic Women International. Mary 910-893-5139

So there you go.   Hope you are interested in these things.   Tell your friends too.




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