Sunday, September 8, 2013

Happenings in the Celtic World in Wisconsin (and Illinois)

Wow.    There are so many Celtic events occurring within  our area between now and the end of the year.

September 27 - 29 -     21ST ANNUAL CORNISH FESTIVAL AND CELTIC CELEBRATION in Mineral Point WI.   I would like to go and am considering it.   The trouble is that I have a Sheboygan County Quilters Guild Show to attend on Saturday.   I am thinking that if I go to the quilt show at 9AM, I could leave after lunch and get to Mineral Point about 3PM in time for the Saturday afternoon and Sunday events.   Would anybody like to go?  If somebody was with me, it would make a difference.

October 11-13 - IBAM in Chicago.     I am definitely going to that.   I will be presenting in the Literary Corner again and I believe that Joan Kramer will also be doing a meditation?   Anybody interested in going should let me or Veronica Ceszynski at know.   She is part of arranging a bus from Milwaukee to Chicago, leaving on the 12th and returning on the 13th for the event.

October 27th - the annual Samhain Potluck here in Sheboygan County.   We usually gather at about 4PM and stay til we are done.  Everyone is welcome with partners and/or friends.    We also invite our ancestors and it is a good idea to bring a place mat and place setting for them.  Bring a dish to pass, (nice if it is a harvest food) and place settings for yourself.  Actual time and place later.  I will bring colcannon.

November 2nd.   The Tripoli Scottish Highlanders 40th Annual Tartan Ball.   I was given brochures and Information on how to attend while at the Wisconsin Highland Games,   The man who gave them to me was quite insistent.   It does sound like fun.   They have a super meal, a haggis celebration, music, whiskey tasting etc.   Find out more at    I have brochures too.

November 16, Saturday the semi annual Book Discussion Meeting will be held at UCC 1405 S. Hwy 67, Plymouth, WI.  We are discussing the book Nora by Cynthia Neale.    We will meet from 1Pm to 3PM. Please come and bring ideas for our next book.

November 23rd, from 9!M to 3:30PM,  the 13th Celtic Christmas Boutique hosted by at the Irish Fest Center, 1532 Wauwatosa  Avenue, Milwaukee.

December 7th. Saturday. from  1PM to 3PM.  The 9th Annual Christmas Tea co hosted by the Sheboygan Branch of CWI, the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center and the Plymouth History Museum.   Celtic Women provide the tea cakes etc.   SCHRC arranges the music and the Plymouth History Museum provides the site.      It is such a special way to start the Christmas season.  Lots of members of the Irish community like to join us.     I always bring fresh brown bread and butter.  There is a $5 donation requested.

That is everything Celtic I know of that is feasible for us until the end of the year.   Enjoy as much as you can of it.   This will encourage more opportunities and excitement.

Dia Dhuit



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