Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Bloomsday Eve

Guess What?   We have arranged for our next meeting to be a celebration of Bloomsday.

Bloomsday is a commemoration observed annually on June 16th in Dublin and elsewhere to celebrate the life of Irish writer James Joyce and relive the events in his novel Ulysses, all of which took place on the same day in Dublin in 1904. Joyce chose the date because his first outing with his wife-to-be, Nora Barnacle happened on that day, when they walked to the Dublin urban village of Ringsend. The name derives from Leopold Bloom, the protagonist of Ulysses

I called Sean O'Dwanny at 52 Stafford and asked if he would join with us for this celebration.   As he has scheduled EVERY WEEK Wednesday, an open session at his Inn, and since this open session is already well attended, we decided to celebrate BLOOMSDAY EVE, June 15 from 7PM to whenever. 

This way, we can actually have a head start on Dublin, New York,  Spokane and all the way to Australia.   We will have music, Irish food available from Sean's menu and history and readings for Bloomsday read throughout the evening.

Watch for ads in the local papers and plan to show up to join us in the literary and musical fun.

Think Gorgonzola and Burgundy.  You can ask me why at the meeting.

God love you all.

Mary and Luann 


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