Sunday, December 4, 2011

Annual Christmas Tea

December 4, 2011

The Celtic Tea on Saturday was all that we could have wished for.

First of all, he weather was reasonably kind to us. It did rain some but was not icy or snowy, so there was never a concern about having to postpone.

Those of us who were able, came between 12:00PM and 1:00PM to set up the food table and start the tea and coffee. There was brown bread, peppermint bark, cookies galore and cheese and crackers to graze on. A lovely spread, as usual. Thanks to much to our members for their willingness to come forward with the treats for this event.

We are also so grateful to the Plymouth Historical Society for providing the beautifully decorated museum for the Tea. If you were unable to attend the Tea, try to get there to see it. And thank you again to Beth Dippel, Director of the Sheboygan County Historical Research Center for the advertising and co-planning each and every year.

This year we our entertainment was the O'Connor's, Bill and Lin, singing and playing beautiful Celtic and Christmas music. They know such a wide selection including old favorites and also tunes that are sometimes only a quiet memory from long ago or maybe new but some how familiar to our hearts. They even brought up our favorite local tenor, Pat O'Reilly, to sing two songs for us. He sang “The Old Man”, his signature song and then a Christmas song to put us in the mood for the season.

So it was again a great success. There were over 50 people in attendance.

This was my first Christmas party and a great one to kick off the season.

Our next event will be the Irish Family Day at JMKAC on January 21st. I will be forwarding the details on that after a meeting with the Art Center committee on December 16th.

Dia Dhuit

Mary Kunert


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